Thursday, April 06, 2006


Today some good friends and former staff members of our camp visited us. It was so good to see Jon and Sara along with Sara's brother, Josh. They work at another camp now in Idaho and we haven't seen them in over a year. I am thankful for the people God brings into our lives. I am also thankful for the way the Lord is using Jon and Sara at the camp they are ministering.

Things don't change about our friends. Jon is as raudy as ever. He even pulled an April Fool's joke on me and I swallowed it hook, line and sinker. He knew I was the type to take the bait and he was right. It was fun to try and get him back by turning on a water hose that was nearby. Needless to say, you can never get Jon back. He is just too clever.

My other good friend Mary, has been rehabilitating after an accident in December. She was seriously injured and has had to learn to reuse her left leg again. It is good to be able to talk to her on almost a daily basis. I miss Mary's laugh and smile. Cell phones are a good thing! We can talk to each other whenever we want and stay in touch. Although I can't see the whites of her eyes or see her smile, our talks on the cell phone mean a lot to me. She's my good friend!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I have entered the Blog Age!

I have done it! I have entered the Blog Age! My kids have their blog sites and I read with much interest. Basically, it keeps me in touch with what is happening in their young adult lives. It has proven to be a great tool to understand my adult children. Now my children have a chance to understand their old mother. Although, I think they understand me better than I think they do.

I am going to be a grandma and today we found out it is going to be a girl! We have pictures of the ultrasound and my favorite is the picture with a cute little foot that shows five cute little toes. How precious! August 8 will come sooner than we think.